
Understanding Hepatitis B and Its Test Results in 5 Minutes



Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic diseases.[1]


WHO estimates that 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B worldwide in 2019, with 1.5 million new infections each year. In 2019, hepatitis B resulted in an estimated 820 000 deaths, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer).[1]


Multiple transmission routes contribute to the high prevalence of hepatitis B infections.


However, hepatitis B is treatable. Although the treatment does not cure, it works to delay or prevent liver damage. Also, hepatitis B virus can be prevented by vaccines that are safe, reliable and effective.

Go for your check-up regularly.
Your doctor will advise you on your clinical management.


For World Hepatitis Day 2022, WHO focuses on the theme “Bringing hepatitis care closer to you” and calls for simplified service delivery of viral hepatitis services, bringing care closer to communities.


Scaling up hepatitis B screening is one of the key actions WHO is taking in response to the call for early prevention of hepatitis B. Mindray provides a full panel of hepatitis B tests with high sensitivity and specificity, including HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb and HBcAb assays, helping doctors to deliver reliable diagnoses and treatment options.


Hepatitis B testing contains a panel and each individual test represents a different level of clinical significance. To help accelerate test result interpretation and better support the treatment, we provide an easier and faster way to read and understand hepatitis B test results.


On World Hepatitis Day today, let’s learn about viral hepatitis, raise awareness of the global burden of this infectious disease and influence real change. Hepatitis can’t wait. Act now.


[1] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hepatitis-b
[2] Hepatitis B titer results: What they mean and next steps (medicalnewstoday.com)