Advanced Diagnosis with Innovations
Pendekatan Baru Terhadap Hemodinamika Vaskular: V-Flow
Anak panah vektor yang diberi kode warna menunjukkan magnitudo kecepatan dan arah sel darah. Dengan tingkat frame ultratinggi, V Flow menyediakan visualisasi profil hemodinamik vaskular yang kompleks dengan sangat jelas, akurat, dan bebas dari sudut dengan informasi data yang komprehensif.
V Flow
Innovative Stiffness Assessment: HiFR STE
Up to 10 times faster frame rate with smooth STE imaging display
More sensitive motion detection for better stability and greater accuracy

HiFR STE of breast cancer
HiFR STE of liver
Focal Lesion Diagnosis with Perfusion: UWN+ Contrast Imaging
Utilization of both the 2nd harmonic and non-linear fundamental signals
Greater sensitivity for minor signals and longer agent duration with lower MI
CEUS of metastatic liver cancer
CEUS perfusion of thyroid adenoma
A Novel Approach of Vascular Hemodynamics: V Flow
The color coded vector arrows indicate the velocity magnitude and direction of blood cells. With an ultra-high frame rate, V Flow provides extremely vivid, accurate and angle-independent visualization of complex vascular hemodynamic profiles with comprehensive data information.
V Flow
Innovative Stiffness Assessment: HiFR STE
Up to 10 times faster frame rate with smooth STE imaging display
More sensitive motion detection for better stability and greater accuracy

HiFR STE of breast cancer
HiFR STE of liver